GTM Playbooks

Cancel the Tactical Noise: Introducing GTM Playbooks for Strategic Growth

Written by Mike Midgley | Sep 26, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Why We’re Launching GTM Playbooks: A Strategic Shift CEOs, CROs, and CMOs Need

Over my 30 years in business leadership and Go-To-Market (GTM) RevOps since 2016, I’ve noticed a growing trend that’s putting businesses at risk: too much tactical noise.

As leaders of SaaS tech companies or other service and product-led organizations, you’re likely inundated on LinkedIn and your inbox with advice about the latest tools, features, or tactics.

Whether it’s how to implement the newest HubSpot workflow, or how to scrape leads using platforms like, the tactical suggestions never seem to end.

But here’s the issue—tools are not a strategy.

Following advice about the latest feature without understanding how it aligns with your overarching business goals often leads to confusion, misalignment, and wasted resources. That’s why we’ve built the 6teen30 GTM Playbooks, a strategic framework designed for CEOs, CROs, and CMOs who need clarity and direction, not more tactics.

Tactical Overload Is Clouding Leadership Decisions

You’ve seen it everywhere: LinkedIn influencers pushing the next “must-have” tool, telling you to try this, implement that.

HubSpot’s latest feature,’s enriched data, and sales intelligence and signal platforms, and endless new tactics flood your feed.

Each of these tips offers value, but they often lack context

The real danger is that you might adopt them without a clear strategy in place, which can cause fragmentation in your Go-To-Market efforts.

As decision-makers, you know the stakes. It’s not just about ticking boxes on tactical execution, it’s about whether these actions move your growth needle.

What’s missing is a strategic framework to ensure that every action you take and playbook your team implements is aligned with your revenue goals, team capacity, and timing. Otherwise, you risk being reactive, not proactive.

Introducing the GTM Playbooks: Strategy First, Tactics Second

At 6teen30, we’re cutting through the noise with our GTM Playbooks, a system designed for C-level executives who need to bring structure and focus to their GTM and RevOps initiatives to empower their teams.

We’re not here to give you more to do, we’re here to show you what to do, when to do it, and why it matters.

Our playbooks aren’t just task lists. They’re blueprints that integrate strategy with the right tactical moves, so you’re always executing with purpose.

Here's what our playbooks will do for you:

  1. Strategic Decision-Making:
    We help you prioritize your actions based on your current business goals, instead of reacting to the latest trend. Every play is driven by a well-defined strategy, ensuring that you’re focusing on what really matters

  2. A Structured Roadmap:
    The GTM Playbooks break down your Go-To-Market journey into a 12-month roadmap, divided into quarterly objectives across 8 areas and almost 40 individual playbooks. Whether it’s inbound, outbound, product-led, or sales-led strategies, product value ladders, GTM motions, financial forecasting, GTM maturity, data or tech audits, we’ll guide you through each stage in a way that aligns with your revenue goals

  3. Clarity in a Tactical World:
    You’ll no longer be overwhelmed by advice from every corner of the internet. With these playbooks, you’ll know exactly how and when (if applicable) to use tools like HubSpot,, and others in the context of your broader growth strategy

  4. Free Outlines and Paid Insights:
    We’re committed to providing free blog outlines that give you an essential overview of each playbook and you can download the full 12 month framework for free, enough to get started and create an actionable plan. But for those who want deeper insights, step-by-step instructions, our paid versions provide an in-depth breakdown that helps you execute like a pro. Or we will execute it for you as a fractional resource to support your team

Cancel the Tactical Noise - Start Leading with Strategy

This isn’t a tactical guide for mid-level marketers and sales teams, it’s built for leaders who need to take control of their GTM strategy. Our playbooks speak directly to CEOs, CROs, and CMOs who are tired of reactive decision-making.

These frameworks allow you to align your teams, scale effectively, and finally bring clarity to the noise.

Each playbook covers critical components, including:

  • Who should attend the strategy sessions
  • Who should execute the playbook
  • Intro to the workshop playbook
  • What the objective is
  • Benefits and transformation

We release new playbooks weekly, ensuring you get the strategic support you need as your business evolves.

Ready to Cancel the Tactical Noise?

Tired of chasing short-term fixes that don’t drive long-term growth?

Take our GTM Audit, and we’ll help you cancel the noise.

You’ll receive a score on your audit results, followed by a one-on-one free strategy call with our RevOps experts who will help you understand where to start and make recommendations.

Get started today - stop reacting, start leading. Click below to take the GTM Audit and discover how your Go-To-Market strategy aligns with your growth goals.